Argentina Travel Tips to Remember

Argentina Travel TipsYou should come equipped with a handful of Argentina travel tips if you want to maximize your retirement there. You can't just go to Argentina and retire without knowing more than a few facts about it. Here are some pointers worth considering if you are headed to Argentina, or any country for that matter!

Make a List

Making a list of what you want to do, the places you want to see and the foods you want to eat is one of the Argentina travel tips that you should not ignore. It helps to organize your activities and it also help you save on unnecessary expenses.

Budget your Retirement Income

Setting up your budget is part of any plan when going abroad. You should be able to identify how much you are willing to spend instead of spending away bits and bits of your retirement income until one day you realize you are financially in some hot water! This is one of the many Argentina travel tips that are very important to consider. After all, you do not want to outlive your retirement income. Setting up your budget includes researching the best deals on transportation and housing as these tend to be your largest expenses.

Learn the Language

Communication is always it its best when we converse in the same language. In Argentina, Spanish is the primary language. You need not have aced your Spanish class in high school, but you need to come equipped with the basics of the Spanish language to make things a lot easier on yourself.

From travelling a lot in Central America, I can say that even just knowing the basics will save you a lot of headaches. Even being able to ask the time, and check transportation schedules is an essential skill to have. You should at least do a quick study or bring an English-Spanish dictionary with you.

Study the Map

Argentina Travel TipsGetting around a foreign country is not the easiest thing to do, especially when the people speak a different language. Studying the place before hand will help you avoid getting lost. Moreover, it also saves you the cost of having to hail a taxi every time you need to go someplace.

I've personally been really bad at this one, but thankfully these days with a decent data plan on your phone Google maps can come to the rescue in most locations.


Argentina Travel TipsArgentina spans along the length of South America so you can expect different climate conditions in different regions of the country. You should take note that Argentina is in the southern hemisphere and so the seasons are in reverse order of the seasons in the northern hemisphere.

Respect the Local Culture

Argentina has an altogether different lifestyle to that of what you may be used to in the US. People may have some unique etiquette.

An Argentina travel tip you should remember is to keep an open mind and respect the people’s culture. Things may be done differently here but they are all for a good reason.

These are just some of the many travel tips you should take note of. You should take them to heart. They will make transition into your retirement life in Argentina much easier.

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